How to Harvest Honey from Beehive at Home

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How to Harvest Honey from Beehive at Home

If you have more connection with local agriculture as a beekeeper, then this article is beneficial for you. Here we will tell you in detail about how to get honey from a beehive. Because the honey bee collects the juice of the fruits, flowers and vegetables we grow and makes honey. With this, the bee produces honey in the form of nectar in its hive. And at the same time, having bees nearby also helps each garden and tree in the neighborhood with increased pollination.

Out of all the benefits, the biggest one is that it also gives us the pleasure of fresh, indigenous honey. Honey obtained in this way is also beneficial for health. This is an automatically made and health-enhancing honey by honeybees, and it comes with immense satisfaction. Honey tastes sweet after your whole year long work, also it is another area where we are able to live self-sufficiently.

How to Harvest Honey from Beehive at Home

If you’re new to beekeeping—or are interested in getting started—you need to know the things you need to know to harvest honey from your beehive. How do you get honey out of the hive, when is the best honey extraction time of the year, and how should you store your fresh honey?

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If you have a question in your brain – why we read this post ,then we are here for solve this issue. If you have any questions like :-

  • How to Harvest Honey from Beehive ?
  • How to get Honey from Beehive ?
  • When to Harvest Honey from Beehive?
  • What is the best method for getting Honey from Beehive?
  • When we get honey from Beehive?
  • How to get Honey from Beehive at home ?
  • What is the best time to get Honey from Beehive?

If you want to get the answer of all these questions then read this article completely.

When to Harvest Honey from Beehive?

The greatest honey flow occurs when the flowers are in full bloom. Early spring will produce a modest honey flow, but the largest honey flow usually begins in June and continues into July. How to Harvest Honey from Beehive at Home.

Let us tell you that only collect honey in a clean comb. You can harvest the first crop as soon as it’s capped so that you have an early variety, or at least one early spring enough to share or sell honey.

The initial honey is light and light whereas the later honey is dark in color and by the month of July, it becomes ready for honey extraction. When extracting honey, the cells of the hive should be 90% capped. Wait until it is fully ripe to remove the remaining uncapped honey, which requires the cells to be completely filled with juice.

However, honey can be harvested as late as September, and these chilled honeys are much more difficult to extract. Its ideal temperature remains in the range of 75-80 degrees.

As winter approaches, it’s important to leave the beehive with at least 80 pounds of honey in the bottom two boxes. These boxes are their food to survive the winter, and where they raise their young. That’s why we don’t take out the honey from the bottom two boxes.

How to Harvest Honey from beehive by ourselves

For harvest Honey easier, here are four steps for extracting and storing honey. All are discussed below :

# Full the frame

Firstly, you have to remove the frame from the hive. Avoid dragging frames that have brood on it. Choose only frames that have honey in them and those covered with wax.

# Remove Wax Caps

There are two basic methods of wax cap removal and honey extraction, both of which can be done at home.

First Method :

The crush and strain method involves separating the honey and beeswax from the frame, crushing it, and taking the honey out of the wax. This is the least effective method for bees and will reduce your honey harvest the following year. Bees use the equivalent of 10 pounds of honey to make 1 pound of wax.

Second Method:

The second and more efficient method involves using a capping scratcher, cold knife or electric ‘hot’ knife to remove the wax cap from each cell on the frame so the honey can drip off. When using a cold knife or an electric ‘hot’ knife, you will run the tool down the edge of the frame to remove the outer cap on top of the honeycomb.

# Now Extract honey

You have to Continuing with second Method, spin the uncapped honey frame in a manual or mechanical centrifuge honey spinner/extractor. (It is a mechanical device used to extract honey from the hive without destroying the comb.) This preserves the wax and allows the bees to refill it the following year instead of having to rebuild all the wax.

# Finally Store Your Honey

Store your honey in any food-safe container. If you have a large crop you may want to consider an IFA food-grade five gallon bucket. Pint or quart glass canning jars and small food-grade buckets also work well for smaller quantities. We recommend that you avoid using metal containers as a chemical reaction may occur.


Raw honey that comes directly from the hive and is only filtered before bottling will retain most of its beneficial nutrients and natural antioxidants. In addition to adding fresh, healthy honey to your tea, homemade baked goods, or anything else you love, it’s also useful or useful in additional ways.

Serving honey in a comb is becoming more popular, especially among some restaurants and caterers. These businesses provide capped honey frames for fresh extract to customers. Enriched with honey, the beeswax can be used to make a myriad of items including chapstick, face and skin creams, lotions, soaps and candles.

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